Personal Information
- Name: Léa Favre
- Date of Birth: January 27, 1997
Place of Birth: Lausanne, Switzerland - Current Residence:
- St-Légier, Switzerland - Citizenship: French and Swiss
- Native Language: French
- Other Languages English
- College: Rider University (NCAA div 1)
- Dual majors in Sports management & International business
(graduated in December, 2018)
- Master in Business Administration with concentration on Data Analytics (graduated in 2020) - Postgrad College: Kaunas University, Lituania & Euroleague Basketball :
- Master in Business Administration with concentration on Sports Management - Mother's Name: Nicole Favre
- Mother's Occupation: Nurse
- Father's Name: Jacques Favre
- Father's Occupation: Neurosurgeon
- Brother: Brendan Favre, April 20, 1999 (De Paul University)
- Sister: Nolwenn Favre, December 8, 2002 (George Mason University)
- Other Interests: Books and movies
- Other Sports: Swimming (Certified Junior Rescue Swimmer), Snowboarding
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